Monday, May 30, 2011

From Shoes to Boots ( Nutmeg )

This is Nutmeg's off side front hoof before I took his shoes off. I have been shoeing him for a couple of years now and he has quite good feet. He goes well in shoes and no reason really to change anything. But the owners Murray and Karen were very interested to see the results by changing to Renegade boots. Having listened to me tell how successful my wife's horse has gone in Renegade boots over the last year of Endurance riding.

So off come the shoes and here is the same hoof after a quick trim. Murray will give him a light trim at three weeks and then I will go back at the six week mark and re trim and fit the boots

Hoof capsule fitted and now just waiting on the arrival of the boots. Nutmeg's size is a #2

Murray and Karen are going to use the
sport orange boots mainly because until they are confident that they wont lose them they will be easier to find. Their horses are mainly used as stock horses on extremely steep hill country. The only way they can do their stock work in winter is on horse back so this will be a great test. The tracks get so muddy that the 4X4 bike often cant get through.
During summer they use their horses for pure pleasure doing many trail rides with friends.
They plan to have two horses in boots this winter. Nutmeg and Frank. The rest will remain shod. All of their horses have very good feet so this will be very interesting.
Murray breaks in all of their horses and has always got at least one being broken at any time.

Check out the Renegade web site on my Links

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